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Too Much Drinking Water Impacts

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Too Much Drinking Water Impacts

Water is very important to keep your body hydrated, but too much can be harmful. Too much water in a day can cause problems in the body.

Excessive intake of water is called water intoxication. The following are signs you drank too much water and why, as reported Magforwomen.

  • Bring a Bottle of Drinking Water

    If you bring a bottle of drinking water throughout the day, maybe you'll actually drink to excess. Drinking water throughout the day is actually a good habit, but by bringing a bottle of drinking water, chances are you drinking more than is actually needed the body, which is approximately 10-15 glasses a day.

  • Loss of Appetite

    If you do not feel hungry, then it can be caused by too much water intake. Excessive water intake can lead to loss of your appetite. In addition, the body is lethargic or weakness in the body is also a sign that excessive hydration in the body.

  • Muscle Cramps

    Excessive water intake can lead to stiffness and muscle cramps in the body. If you experience muscle stiffness, then consider again of water intake into the body. If you drink more than 15 glasses of water a day, then it can lead to muscle weakness in the body.

  • Breathing Becomes Rapid

    Drinking more water can cause breathing becomes faster, and you may experience nausea and vomiting conditions. Too much of anything can be bad for health, and it also applies to water. Excessive water intake also causes sudden weakness in the body.

  • Headaches

    Excessive intake of water in the body can often cause headaches. In addition, excessive water intake can also cause blurred vision or myopic. Therefore, if you are too much intake of water in a day, then the condition often experience confusion in certain situations.

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